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The Tokugawa Gi Story

To commemorate the launch of our new limited-edition gi, the Tokugawa Gi, we have released a short video outlining the backstory of the stunning image sublimated on the gi lining.  
The Tokugawa Gi Story

by JJB Admin

2 years ago

To commemorate the launch of our new limited-edition gi, the Tokugawa Gi, we have released a short video outlining the backstory of the stunning image sublimated on the gi lining.  

This unique and eye-catching design will turn heads on the mat and make a statement about your commitment to jiu jitsu. Whether you're a seasoned veteran or starting out, the Tokugawa Gi is the perfect way to show off your passion for this amazing martial art.


1 comment

  • Received mine today. Comfortable, subtle yet eye-catching with some real intracite details. Already my favourite gi. Love the black and yellow contrasts and the amazing image inside the jacket. Top class gi.

    Graham Farr on

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